Our Stories, Your Impact Promotional Toolkit

About Our Stories, Your Impact

At YWCA Columbus, we believe everyone has a story that holds the power to change lives.

This summer, we spoke with four individuals directly impacted by our mission to eliminate racism and empower women. By highlighting the residents and others we serve, we hope to provide donors with a better, more personal idea of who their dollars impact, as well as helping the community learn more about the powerful work being done right now in Columbus.

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Our Stories, Your Impact

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Captions - Copy & Paste!

Suggested general caption:

At YWCA Columbus, we believe everyone has a story that holds the power to change lives.

This summer, we spoke with four individuals directly impacted by our mission to eliminate racism and empower women. We hope you will visit ywcacolumbus.org to read each one and learn more about the powerful work being done right now in Columbus.

Suggested Week 1 (Marla, Housing/Women’s Residency) captions:

Option 1: Marla has lived at YWCA Columbus’ downtown residency since 2016. Her art was recently featured at the Fresh A.I.R. Gallery, and she is also a published author! Read her story at ywcacolumbus.org and please consider donating to support YWCA.

Option 2: “I got bounced around from shelter to shelter, and I don’t want to say it’s still traumatic, but it’s hard to talk about or think about … I’m glad there is such a thing as the Women’s Residency program. I was just blown away by my unit. There’s nothing else like this in the city.” Marla is just one of the 90+ women who live at YWCA Columbus’ downtown residency. Read more of her story and consider donating to support YWCA Columbus’ work here: ywcacolumbus.org

Option 3: “One of my mottos is to wring the joy out of life. The grief and depression will always be there in varying degrees, but I like making memories with people… I really just want to spend the time.”  Marla is just one of the 90+ women who live at YWCA Columbus’ downtown residency. Read more of her story and consider donating to support YWCA Columbus’ work here: ywcacolumbus.org

Suggested Week 2 (Lucas, Education/YWCA Kids Place) captions:

Option 1: Lucas is a 10-year-old going into the 6th grade this fall. He attended YWCA Kids Place last year and was a finalist in our annual Guppy Tank Challenge! Read more about Lucas’ plans for a hot dog-eating, pop-chugging, Olympics-style event this summer and consider donating to support our Kids Place programs today! ywcacolumbus.org

Option 2: “It’s my first week [at Kids Place] this summer. My favorite part is probably seeing my friends and just catching up on our summers. I just made a new friend today.” Lucas is one of several hundred kids who spend at least part of their summer with YWCA. Read more of his story and consider donating to support YWCA Columbus’ work here: ywcacolumbus.org

Option 3: “My cousin had a hard time reading, and I did, too, but I gave him some of my graphic novels. And, you know, it’s easier than a chapter book. Everybody has to read something smaller first before you get to chapter books, and comics really helped me, so I wanted to help other kids.” Lucas is one of several hundred kids who spend at least part of their summer with YWCA. Read more of his story and consider donating to support YWCA Columbus’ work here: ywcacolumbus.org

Suggested Week 3 (Davonna, Housing/YWCA Columbus Family Center) captions:

Option 1: Davonna and her family recently moved out of the YWCA Family Center – just in time for her seventh baby to arrive! Help support families like Davonna’s by donating today, and read more of her story here: ywcacolumbus.org

Option 2: “We struggle and we’re going to go through some things, but I’m very passionate about being a mother. There were times I – I didn’t want to go to the shelter, I didn’t even want to be on this earth, but my children kept me going.” Davonna lived at the YWCA Family Center from March 20 until July 1, when she got the keys to her new place! Help support families like Davonna’s by donating today, and read more of her story here: ywcacolumbus.org

Option 3: “Elonda was great. She gave me a lot of resources and really advocated for me. She told me what to look for and helped me get what I needed to find this place… I’m very family-oriented, so having this stability right now is exactly what I was hoping for.” Davonna lived at the YWCA Family Center from March 20 until July 1, when she got the keys to her new place! Help support families like Davonna’s by donating today, and read more of her story here: ywcacolumbus.org

Suggested Week 4 (Nicole, LSJ/Leadership for Social Change) captions:

Option 1: “The Leadership for Social Change program did so much for me on so many levels… In the beginning, I felt so out of place; I was like all these women are doing amazing work, and I’m just a librarian. But, we’re all talking about how we make social change, how we become agents of change – and it just helped me realize that I’m already doing that work.” Support our leadership programs today at ywcacolumbus.org

Option 2: “Leadership for Social Change really emboldened me to do a lot of things I’d never done before.” Read Nicole Sutton’s story at ywcacolumbus.org and donate today to support future leaders!

. . . Or create your own! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #OurStoriesYourImpact and #YWCACbus and tag us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and link to ywcacolumbus.org

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Our Stories, Your Impact is our summer 2024 campaign. We hope to engage current donors, and new donors, by highlighting the important work we do each day and the issues we advocate for that impact the lives of those we serve in our community.

We're shining a spotlight on the individuals we serve — residents whose lives are touched by the support of generous donors, loyal supporters, and passionate community members. Our Stories, Your Impact highlights the direct, personal impact of contributions to YWCA Columbus, where everyone's story deserves to be heard.