Questions? Our Team is Here to Help.

Our YWCA Kids Place (YKP) team is here to assist you! Please reach out to the appropriate member of our staff based on the descriptions below.

YWCA Kids Place Site Directors

Please refer to the YWCA Columbus Kids Place webpage for contact information.

  • I oversee the daily before- and after-school program, supervise staff at the program site, and plan all the curriculum and special events.

  • I can talk to families about the activities at their child’s before- and after-school program.

  • I can help families with questions about behavior or discipline at the program.

YWCA Kids Place Special Projects Administrator

Loren Beckett | | 614-224-9121 ext. 1204

  • I help the admins, coordinators, and directors with technology, communications, and trainings.

  • I can answer questions about communications from YWCA Kids Place Administration.

YWCA Kids Place Subsidy Coordinator

Angela Martin |

  • I can help families understand and navigate the Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC) system. 

YWCA Kids Place Accounting

  • We oversee individual EZChildTrack accounts and withdrawals, apply charges, and issue credits.

  • We can help parents and guardians who apply for scholarships. 

  • We can help parents and guardians who need credit applied to their accounts.

  • We can help parents and guardians who have questions about charges.

YWCA Kids Place District Coordinators 

Sydney Wilson—Gahanna | | 614-224-9121
Ontayya Zachary
—Westerville | | 614-224-9121 Ext. 1213

  • I assist the district administrator in overseeing all YWCA Kids Place site programs. 

  • I help families with questions regarding our school year and summer programs.

  • I can help parents having difficulty logging into their parent portal.

YWCA Kids Place District Administrators

Kristy Hylton—District Leader, Gahanna | | 614-224-9121 ext. 1259
Mandi Buchwald—District Leader, Westerville | | 614-224-9121 ext. 1239 

  • I oversee the YWCA Kids Place site directors at the before- and after-school program and/or campsites, coordinate district-wide communications with families, and work to increase partnerships between the community and school districts.

  • I can help families enroll or change their YKP program.

YWCA Kids Place Senior District Administrators

Dr. Tameka Donaldson—Senior District Leader, Gahanna & Columbus | | 614-224-9121 ext. 1211
Laura Miller—Senior District Leader, Westerville | | 614-224-9121 ext. 1271 

  • I oversee the YWCA Kids Place district administrators and coordinators, coordinate district-wide communications with families, and work to increase partnerships between the community and school districts.

  • I can help families work with their site directors to resolve issues around program quality.