Kids Place Summer Details

Summer Camp Documents

Required Summer Forms

Frequently Asked Questions for YWCA Kids Place Summer Day Camp Program


  • Tuition includes weekly field trips, weekly swimming, all supplies, sunscreen, guest speakers, and a t-shirt.

  • Yes! PFCC is accepted for applicants approved by your County’s Department of Job and Family Services. You must register, demonstrate active application, and pay your reservation and activity fees.

    For families seeking to enroll for camp using PFCC, before registering please download this form and send it to the YWCA Kids Place Administrator in your community:

    Please contact Angela Martin for assistance.

  • Tuition is $290/child per week with a nonrefundable reservation fee of $50 per family. There is also a one-time, nonrefundable $75 activity fee per child (with a maximum of $150/family). These one-time fees are due online at the time of registration.

  • The remaining tuition is due in full the Wednesday before your camper’s next scheduled week of attendance via Auto Pay withdrawal. Tuition must be current on Monday for campers to participate in the program.

  • Yes. Auto pay is a requirement for enrollment. You can change your payment information at any time via your Parent Portal.

  • No. Tuition payments will not be accepted on-site.

  • If enrolled in a YWCA Kids Place school year program, tuition payments must be current to register for summer.
    Any outstanding balances from last summer’s program must be paid in full before registering.

  • May 16, 2025
    Change Deadline
    Last day for any changes, substitutions, or cancellations. After this date, all weeks registered will require payment in full regardless of attendance.

    Each Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, May 28, 2025
    Tuition Due
    Payment for camp is due the Wednesday before the week of attendance. See the tuition agreement for specific dates.

    Each Wednesday, beginning June 4, 2025
    for USN and KIPP

  • Yes. Parents and guardians may add weeks at any time throughout the summer as long as space is available. A minimum of one week’s notice is required so that we can be sure adequate staffing is in place.

  • The last day for changes, substitutions, cancellations, or tuition refunds is May 16, 2025, at 6 p.m. Registrations completed after May 16 do not have the option for any changes, substitutions, cancellations or tuition refunds. All withdraws made after May 16 will have tuition withdrawn regardless of attendance.

  • Our summer program does not cover all of summer break because we need to be out of the school building so that the school district can clean and prepare the building for the start of the school year.



  • Yes. Field trips will take place weekly. Parent and guardians will be informed of any changes to the schedule listed on the signed permission form. There is no option for care at the program site during the time of a field trip. On all field trips, campers must wear the provided t-shirts identifying the program. Parents and guardians should plan to arrive at their child’s site ahead of field trip departure times.

  • No, on-site childcare will be provided during the scheduled field trip or swim times and lead teachers will be implementing special “rainy day” activities with their groups to make up for the cancellation.

  • Yes. Camp swim days are in the process of being scheduled. Campers will be swimming with her/his assigned group. The camper’s swimming level (non-swimmer, beginner, intermediate, and advanced) should be indicated at the time of registration. A colored wristband indicating swimming level will be worn by each camper and used as a visual aid to help staff determine where a camper may go in the pool. The staff/camper ratio for any swimming activity is 1:15 or less, depending on pool requirements. Certified lifeguards are on duty during all swimming activities.

  • Tentative Swim Locations:

    Gahanna Swimming Pool
    148 Parkland Dr. Gahanna, OH 43230

    Westerville Highlands Park Aquatic Center
    245 S. Spring Rd. Westerville, OH 43081

    Swim locations tentative for USN and KIPP

  • You will select your child’s swim level during registration; however, the pool may conduct a swim test, which would determine your child’s final swim level. Any child who does not wish to take the swim test will be listed as a “Non-Swimmer.”

  • No, the twice weekly swimming trips are so that the campers may participate in water play activities, they will not receive swim lessons.

  • Sunscreen is provided by YWCA Kids Place and applied for all campers before all outdoor activities.

  • We use Rocky Mountain sunscreen, which was chosen because it is water-resistant and doesn’t have harsh chemicals, making it best for campers with allergies. Further details are available on the registration instruction page in the EZ Child Track portal and attached to the Administration of Meds form for parents and guardians to read before completing the sunscreen form. Parents and guardians can also supply their own sunscreen.

  • Outdoor play is a fundamental part of the day camp experience. Campers will be encouraged to go outside during morning and afternoon free choice play times. During the day, camp activities and field trips will occur outside on a daily basis. Sunscreen will be applied before participating in outside activities. On days when the heat index is extremely high, outdoor play will be limited or prohibited at the discretion of the camp director.

  • Our 2025 Summer Camp theme is Summer Adventures! With each week offering unique fun for everyone!

    Week 1
    JUNE 2 TO JUNE 6
    Summer Kick Off/Disney Week

    Week 2
    JUNE 9 TO JUNE 13
    Space is The Place

    Week 3
    JUNE 16 TO JUNE 20
    Superheroes and Sidekicks

    Week 4
    JUNE 23 TO JUNE 27
    Kids Place is Moving and Grooving

    Week 5
    JUNE 30 TO JULY 4
    Party in the USA

    Week 6
    JULY 7 TO JULY 11
    Under the Big Top

    Week 7
    JULY 14 TO JULY 18
    Holidays Around the World

    Week 8
    JULY 21 TO JULY 25
    Under the Sea


  • Here is our sample daily schedule. The daily schedule of activities and breakfast/snack menu will be posted for families to review along with weekly swimming times, field trips, and special events.

    Camp Schedule

    7 a.m. – 9 a.m.
    Morning Activities
    Morning snack; kids select from the following free choice activities, guided by staff – creative play, game room, outdoor play, learning lab, and more

    9 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
    Camp Opening Ceremony
    Camp opening activities and announcements

    9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    Camp Activities
    YKP staff leads our campers through fun, engaging, hands-on activities carefully selected to complement the week’s theme

    11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

    12:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
    Camp Activities
    YKP staff lead our campers through fun, engaging, hands-on activities carefully selected to complement the week’s theme

    2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
    Camp Closing Ceremony
    Afternoon snack, camp closing activities and announcements

    3:15 p.m. – 6 p.m.
    Afternoon Activities
    Kids select from the following free choice activities, guided by staff – creative play, game room, outdoor play, learning lab, and more

  • Yes. Please provide a nutritious lunch. Refrigeration and microwaves are not available.

    USN and KIPP locations will have lunch provided.

  • Campers are grouped by their birth date with consistent weekly grouping and staffing.

Questions? We’re here to help!

Summer Day Camp Program Info, District Leader
Mandi Buchwald- Westerville

Summer Day Camp Program Info, District Leader
Kristy Hylton - Gahanna, USN, KIPP

For Before and Afterschool Program FAQs and Forms, click here.